@spec.get_opts.each do |name, opt| options[name] = opt.value counts[name] = opt.count end @spec.get_args.each do |name, arg| args << arg.value named[name] = arg.value end args.flatten! args += trailing @report = Report.new(args, named, trailing, options, counts) if @report.opt(:help) self.print_usage() end unless @spec.get_args.values.all? {|arg| arg.fulfilled? } raise InterfaceError, "Required argument '#{name.upcase}' was not given." end if @spec.trailing_error && !@report.trailing.empty? raise InterfaceError, "Error: got trailing argument(s): #{trailing.join


Updated 🏰 ghast.js to v0.6.4. The last update had the wrong version in the README (orz). This fixes that and belatedly updates the year to 2023.

The project's documentation has also been updated to reflect these changes.


  • Update version number and year in README.md
